Thursday, September 8, 2011


Defiance is defined as the bold resistance to an opposing force or authority.

Another definition: readiness to contend or resist.

I like the second one more. In either case, you know it's not going to be easy but you take up your fight anyway. You block out the doubting thomases, the ones who are afraid of taking risks and the ones who you offended by going against what they thought was the 'obvious direction'. If you've done this you know exactly what I'm talking about.

I met a certain gentleman this past week and whenever we would talk, the word just kept coming to mind.


The way he spoke about what he's doing now(training people to speak in public), you can see he has a passion for it. After five minutes of telling me how his classes usually go, I wanted to sign up for one. I might need the skill one day when I receive my very big writing award:). He was to study medicine, he'd already gotten his admission letter and everything but on that first day of campus something just didn't feel right. He chose not to study medicine because that's not where his heart is. You can imagine the reaction he got from his family. Outrage, I say. They just couldn't understand. At some point I wondered if he had sat any one from his family and told them like he did me about what he does now. Maybe there wouldn't be as much resistance.

But sometimes the people closest to us don't understand why we don't go the 'obvious' way. It takes a bit of time for them to get on board. It took a while for my mum to come around to the whole writing thing. Defiance has its benefits. You stick with something and you fight for it with everything in you and soon, the people you had to resist become your biggest fans.

I'd love if the world was full of defiant people; defiant in the sense that we follow our dreams instead of doing what's expected of us. So piss a few people off. Get a few people wondering about your sanity.

Go out there and be defiant.

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