Monday, July 12, 2010


The past week has been great for those who where desparate to have their faith in our 15's rugby restored,me included.
The team won 21-5 against Uganda and we at the stands sung our voices haorse in celebration as we thumped our chest with gust to proclaim our prowess in rugby, but the following morning while nursing my hangover,i remembered an answer that the famous Greek philosopher Socrates gave to a question that a friend asked him concerning the degree of goodness in his wife which was known to be poor at best. Socrates asked the friend, 'Compared to what.'
So as we match with a new gait in pride after the victory over Uganda and say we are good, lets take a moment and take stoke of our progress and while we are at it, lets ask ourselves ''We are good compared to what?''
I personally belive that more is learnt in defeat than in victory,because often with victory comes arrogance and pride while, loss comes with humility and a need to workhard and smart for better results next time.
If we compare ourselves with teams we mostly win against then our development while at best stagnate or more likely detoriate, because for as to grow we have to take on the big guys and swallow our pride and be ready to constantly and persistently improve our game and have a mindset that is ready to learn new things and be open to change and doing things differantly.
Get me correctly, lest you think that the win against Uganda is not good according to me, for it is,rather i am saying that we should give our self a pat on the back for the win and then get down to analyzing the loss to Mpalanga as we aim for 2015, and start putting measures in places to make sure this was not another useless trip down south like 4 years ago when we were thrashed but did not take the opportunity to learn from the experiance.
On the game against Uganda, we won but our ball handling was wanting many a times. My man of the match had a tie with both INNOCENT SIMIYU AND OSCAR OUMA MAKING the cut.

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